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Friday, February 7, 2014

Five for Friday {1-7-14}

Well, this was a very short week for me with 3 snow day! I'm still exhausted though!  I'm going to do a hybrid Five for Friday with Doodle Bugs Teaching of the last two weeks since I didn't link up last week!  

 Here is my house covered in snow from Sunday.  We got snow Sunday, Monday, and a little on Tuesday.  The roads were super icy and so we were out until Wednesday.

The little one and I made it outside on Monday when the sun came out for a little while and made a mini snowman!

 I got to do some fun Pinterest activities with my little girl during all of our snow days.
Here she is painting.

Playing with fabric scraps in an old wipes container.  Tons of fun!

 We have been working on our government lapbooks for a couple of weeks now, with so many other things going on it's taking us a while to finish them.  Last week, I had my students jigsaw the reading for this foldable.  Each person at a table took one page to read and took three important notes on their foldable.  Each group got together to compare notes and then each person shared their notes at their table.  Great cooperative learning!

 Even though I teach math, I still like to read the books the kids are reading.  We have an Arkansas book award called the Charlie May Simon Award that 4th-6th graders vote on.  In order to vote, the students have to have read at least 4 of the titles.  I am working on reading all of the nominees before the end of the year.  I finished my 3rd book last week and started book four!  Here are all the titles with the ones I've finished crossed out. I started Eight Keys a couple of nights ago.  I've been told it's a tear jerker!

Valentines' Party!  We had our party today because we will be on February intercession all next week. (We petitioned to make up snow days instead but lost that battle). My kids made out with quite the haul!
 They also made this cute project!

These are the Valentines I made for our two classes.  Aren't they cute?

I've put these and two other versions of teacher valentines in my TpT store for those of you who need Valentines for next week!  They will be half off through Sunday night! 

What have you been up to this week?


  1. It looks like you had a lot of fun with your little cutie!

  2. Valentine's already with a full moon? Yikes! Looks like your kids had a great time. The hand print project turned out super cute!
    Rockin' and Lovin' Learnin'


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