Well, tomorrow is back to work day. I've been working myself up for it all weekend! I hate to lose my morning snuggles and reading with my sweet little girl, but I do miss my 4th graders!
I'm very proud of myself for how much I have ready to go back to school. It's strange when I think about this time last year, not returning after break, but staying home with my precious baby girl!
Wow how life changes in a year!
I'm linking up with Jennifer from Mrs. Laffin's Laughings for her weekly "Peek at My Week" Linky!
This is what I've got planned for our first week back!
We will be starting our geometry unit this week. We will be covering lines, angles, and shapes attributes. I'm going to go about the next couple of weeks of math a little differently than I have in the past. I'm going to give my students several foldables for the math journals at the beginning of the week and then they will be learning and completing them at their own pace based on their online learning! I hope to update everyone on my hopeful success next week! I am using Jennifer Findley's foldables to help guide my students through their learning.
I'm actually planning on breaking out the textbook this week... well the online version of course! We will be learning about water and weather systems this week. I'm hoping to throw in a couple hands on activities here and there, too!
My technology goes with my math for the week.
I'm going to have my students sign up for Learn Zillion this week.
If you don't know about this website, I highly suggest you go check it out! The site has tons of "lessons" that go with all the common core standards for ELA and Math. The lessons are short videos with graphics and vocabulary and simple precise language. I'm anxious to see what the kids think of learning this way!
They are going to watch all of the 4th grade geometry lessons to help them fill out their foldables in their interactive notebooks on their own. We'll see how this goes!
Don't forget to go check out all the rest of the posts over at Mrs. Laffin's Laughings to see what everyone has planned for this first full week back!

I have used Learn Zillion and LOVE it -- they have some great writing lessons! Best of luck to you on your first week back & thanks for linking up!
Mrs. Laffin's Laughings
Oh my goodness! Look at that sweetness right there! PRECIOUS! She was so little!
Rockin' and Lovin' Learnin'