It's Monday and the start of my first full week with kids! It's time for another link up with Tara from 4th Grade Frolics!
I always try to get a picture of each of my students on the first couple of days of school. Well my camera has been MIA this week so I couldn't take my pictures last week. I figured oh well, that gives me the weekend to make a cute picture frame for them to hold for their pictures. I'm sure we've all seen a variety of versions of the picture below floating around on Pinterest and other blogs.
I took the chalkboard out and painted the frame to match my classroom. Then I used my handy dandy Cricut to cut out the letters in teal vinyl. They went on so easy and to keep everything in place I painted a thin coat of modge podge over the whole thing. Here is the final product!
Here is how I put them together. I use two notebooks, stapling the back cover of the first to the front cover of the second.Then I use Duck Tape to hold the two notebooks together. My wonderful hubby usually helps me put all of these together! After the notebooks are put together, I glue a piece of ribbon in the back for the kids to use a bookmark. This worked great last year. I use a different colored ribbon for each class so I can easily identify where it goes if it gets left somewhere.
We will spend part of class this week decorating our notebooks. I want the kids to feel like they are personalized to them. I keep separate notebooks for each class because I model the notes and problems for each class.
One last MMI for this week is this little pillow! I've had it for a couple of years and it didn't match my room any more. I decided to get out the sewing machine and make a little cover for it to match the rest of my room! I think it turned out so cute!