My educational and teaching background is ESL. When I had a class of 21 ELLs I did everything possible to incorporate reading and writing into each and every lesson I taught. I have really slacked off on that part of teaching since moving schools. I really see the value in showing my students that reading and writing is in every subject.
As part of our geometry unit, we got out the geoboards, which the students LOVE, and I told them we would be writing about math today. Any time I use the geoboards, I always make sure to give a couple of minutes to play with the boards and rubber bands so that during our lesson, they maintain their focus.
For this lesson, first I made a shape on my geoboard, but I didn't show my students. I wrote a description on my Smartboard of my shape using geometric vocabulary.
After I wrote my description, I had my students create my shape on their geoboards. They had a really hard time with this. They were getting frustrated and some just gave up and made a square. I had a few students who nailed it and they were so excited!
Next, I had my students create a polygon on their geoboards without showing everyone. I told them it was important that they keep their shape a secret. After they created their shape, I gave them a sheet of geodot paper with writing lines where they had to write a description of their shape using correct geometry terms.
After they had some time to write, I had them switch tables and draw the shape described for them. I gave about 5 minutes for this part and then I had them turn over the geoboard to see how close they were! They got so excited when they got it right or were at least close. Here are some of their excited faces!
The easier the shape the more likely it was to be drawn correctly. I was so proud of how hard my kids worked on this activity!
I love looking at the pictures of your kids working hard, Rissa! I shouted, "Nailed it" when you said you had a few students that nailed it right away. I crack myself up!
Rockin' and Lovin' Learin'