Ok, I'm really going to get better about this blogging thing! I was doing so well for a while and then things got crazy and I have been a terrible blogger! I'm spending some time today working on some posts that will be scheduled for later in the week as well.
Well, my spring break is officially over today. I actually worked Monday and Tuesday as a sub because the traditional calendar schools in my district made up two snow days during Spring Break. That was quite a trip! We spent the second half of the week at a friends lake house where it was cold and windy, but SOOOOOOOOO relaxing!
Family pic at the lake! |
It is Sunday, so I'm linking up with my blogging buddy
Jennifer over at Mrs. Laffin's Laughings for her weekly Peek at My Week Linky Party!
I don't have much exciting to share, but it is test prep week! We give our state standardized next Monday through Thursday. My 4th graders take a reading, writing, and math test. Our
problem i
ssue challenge this year is to prepare our students for an Arkansas test when we have been teaching Common Core Standards. I have to cover a few this week that are not in the 4th grade CCSS including probability, 3D shapes, slides, flips, and rotations, etc. We will also be doing a lot of open response practice with these types of questions. I'm truly hoping that I haven't just taught my 50 students content, but that I have taught them how to think and that no matter what problem they come up against, that they will be able to persevere and solve it to the best of their ability.
I also have several "projects" for the house that I will hopefully be blogging about soon that I will be working on in the evening!
What do you have planned for the week? Are you test prepping or have you already tested???
I think we should just call this next week "National Test Prep Week". It seems like you are not alone in your plans to prep for the big test. In Wisconsin, our test is in the fall. Next year, we switch to the spring with the Smarter Balance test. Thanks for linking up this week! Can't wait to see what else you've got going on.
Mrs. Laffin's Laughings
I am doing test prep for the next two weeks and I already want to rip my hair out. Why does it have to consume our lives. UGH! Love your family picture. Your hair looks so cute!
Rockin' and Lovin' Learnin'